Plotting a New Course for the Map

Which Way to Go?
by Meneer Zjeroen
It has been a long time since I've posted to the Young Playwrights Map blog, but there has been plenty going on behind the scenes. I have recently changed jobs, which has led to a decrease in the amount of work I have been able to put toward the map. However, this resource is constantly on my mind. Recently, I have been thinking about the usefulness of the site in its current state and what changes might be necessary to improve the site. To get a better sense of that I first need to understand who is using the map.

To date, the Young Playwrights Map has 3,389 views. Unfortunately, I do not know who is accessing the site. My hope is that these are young writers searching for a venue, or program, with which to share their work. Or perhaps these are arts organizations looking for ways to support their young playwrights. At the moment, I simply do not know who the actual audience is for this site.

Knowing who is out there may help me plot the next course for the map. Would you please take a moment to leave some information for me either in the comments, or by sending an email to me at addressing the following questions:

1. Who are you? (Young playwright/artist/organization/teacher/parent)
2. How did you locate the map?
3. What information did you gain by visiting the site?
4. What were you unable to find, or what information would you like to have next?

Thank you so much for visiting! And thank you in advance for your assistance. Happy writing!
